Web-APP - Unofficial Full Install Pack.
Submitted on: 03/01/06 at 01:06:44 EST Hits: 7 Votes: 0 Score: 0
This is a Full Install Package of Web-APP
Below is the Information from Web-App.org for the 09931 to 09932 upgrade package.
""Few last minute minor touchups to v0. , made to layer on top of the v0. full installation. There are a couple of semi-important bug fixes included in this v0. upgrade pack. See the fixes.txt in the readmes for more information.
This version terminates a long stretch (June 1994 to Feb 1996) of many long days and nights of work that I have put into the WebAPP system. There are and probably always will be still more bugs in WebAPP, just as in most any system of this size, but I consider this version as a completion of my work on v0.9.9.3.x to my satisfaction. Thanks to everybody who contributed to these versions. Please stay tuned for future bug reports in our Bugs Forum.
~Jos ("bantychick")""
~JD Here... I edited the ver.txt to state instead of the that is in the upgrade package.
This web site was made with WebAPP v0. , a web portal system written in Perl
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